array( 'memberlist', 'memberlist_letter', 'memberlist_results_header', 'memberlist_resultsbit', 'memberlist_resultsbit_field', 'im_aim', 'im_icq', 'im_msn', 'im_yahoo', 'im_skype', 'forumdisplay_sortarrow', 'postbit_reputation', ), 'search' => array( 'memberlist_search', 'memberlist_search_radio', 'memberlist_search_select', 'memberlist_search_select_multiple', 'memberlist_search_select', 'memberlist_search_textbox', 'memberlist_search_optional_input', 'userfield_select_option', 'userfield_radio_option', 'userfield_checkbox_option', ) ); $actiontemplates['getall'] =& $actiontemplates['none']; // ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################ require_once('./global.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_postbit.php'); // ####################################################################### // ######################## START MAIN SCRIPT ############################ // ####################################################################### // enabled check if (!$vbulletin->options['enablememberlist']) { eval(standard_error(fetch_error('nomemberlist'))); } // permissions check if (!($permissions['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR !($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canviewmembers'])) { print_no_permission(); } // default action if (empty($_REQUEST['do'])) { $_REQUEST['do'] = 'getall'; } ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('memberlist_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; $perpage = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'perpage', TYPE_UINT); $sortfield = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'sortfield', TYPE_STR); $sortorder = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'sortorder', TYPE_STR); $usergroupid = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'usergroupid', TYPE_UINT); $ltr = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'ltr', TYPE_NOHTML); $pagenumber = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'pagenumber', TYPE_UINT); $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'ausername' => TYPE_STR, 'homepage' => TYPE_STR, 'email' => TYPE_STR, 'icq' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'aim' => TYPE_STR, 'yahoo' => TYPE_STR, 'msn' => TYPE_STR, 'skype' => TYPE_STR, 'joindateafter' => TYPE_STR, 'joindatebefore' => TYPE_STR, 'lastpostafter' => TYPE_STR, 'lastpostbefore' => TYPE_STR, 'postslower' => TYPE_UINT, 'postsupper' => TYPE_UINT, 'userfield' => TYPE_NOCLEAN, )); // set defaults and sensible values if ($sortfield == '') { $sortfield = 'username'; } if ($sortorder == '') { $sortorder = 'asc'; } // which fields to display? $show['homepagecol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 1); $show['searchcol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 2); $show['datejoinedcol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 4); $show['postscol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 8); $show['usertitlecol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 16); $show['lastvisitcol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 32); $show['reputationcol'] = iif(bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 64) AND $vbulletin->options['reputationenable'], 1, 0); $show['avatarcol'] = iif(bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 128) AND $vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'], 1, 0); $show['birthdaycol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 256); $show['agecol'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 512); $show['emailcol'] = (bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 1024) AND ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canemailmember'] OR ($vbulletin->options['enablepms'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['pmquota']))); $show['customfields'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 2048); $show['imicons'] = bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 4096); $show['profilepiccol'] = iif(bitwise($vbulletin->options['memberlistfields'], 8192) AND $permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseeprofilepic'], 1, 0); $show['advancedlink'] = false; // work out total columns $totalcols = $show['emailcol'] + $show['homepagecol'] + $show['searchcol'] + $show['datejoinedcol'] + $show['postscol'] + $show['lastvisitcol'] + $show['reputationcol'] + $show['avatarcol'] + $show['birthdaycol'] + $show['agecol'] + $show['profilepiccol'] + $show['imicons']; $navpopup = array( 'id' => 'memberlist_navpopup', 'title' => $vbphrase['members_list'], 'link' => 'memberlist.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'], ); construct_quick_nav($navpopup); // ############################################################################# // show results if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'getall') { // start search timer $searchstart = microtime(); $show['advancedlink'] = iif (!$usergroupid AND $vbulletin->options['usememberlistadvsearch'], true, false); // get conditions $condition = '1=1'; if ($vbulletin->GPC['ausername']) { $condition .= " AND username LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['ausername'])) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->options['usememberlistadvsearch']) { if ($vbulletin->GPC['email']) { if (can_moderate()) { $condition .= " AND email LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['email'])) . "%' "; } else { print_no_permission(); } } if ($vbulletin->GPC['homepage']) { $condition .= " AND homepage LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['homepage'])) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['icq']) { $condition .= " AND icq LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like($vbulletin->GPC['icq']) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['aim']) { $condition .= " AND REPLACE(aim, ' ', '') LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni(str_replace(' ', '', $vbulletin->GPC['aim']))) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['yahoo']) { $condition .= " AND yahoo LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['yahoo'])) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['msn']) { $condition .= " AND msn LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['msn'])) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['skype']) { $condition .= " AND skype LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['skype'])) . "%' "; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['joindateafter']) { $condition .= " AND joindate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $db->escape_string(strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['joindateafter'])) . "')"; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['joindatebefore']) { $condition .= " AND joindate < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $db->escape_string(strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['joindatebefore'])) . "')"; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostafter']) { $condition .= " AND lastpost > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $db->escape_string(strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostafter'])) . "')"; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostbefore']) { $condition .= " AND lastpost < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $db->escape_string(strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostbefore'])) . "')"; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['postslower']) { $condition .= " AND posts >= " . $vbulletin->GPC['postslower']; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['postsupper']) { $condition .= " AND posts < " . $vbulletin->GPC['postsupper']; } } // Process Custom Fields.. $userfields = ''; $profilefields = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT profilefieldid, type, data, optional, memberlist, searchable FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profilefield WHERE form = 0 " . iif(!($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehiddencustomfields']), " AND hidden = 0") . " ORDER BY displayorder "); $include_userfield_join = false; $urladd = ''; $profileinfo = array(); while ($profilefield = $db->fetch_array($profilefields)) { $varname = "field$profilefield[profilefieldid]"; $optionalvar = $varname . '_opt'; $profilefield['title'] = $vbphrase[$varname . '_title']; if ($profilefield['memberlist']) { $profilefield['varname'] = $varname; if ($profilefield['type'] == 'checkbox' OR $profilefield['type'] == 'select_multiple') { $profilefield['data'] = unserialize($profilefield['data']); } $profileinfo[] = $profilefield; } // Break if this field is not searchable or if the advanced search is disabled if (!$profilefield['searchable'] OR !$vbulletin->options['usememberlistadvsearch']) { continue; } $value =& $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', $varname, TYPE_NOCLEAN); if ($value === null) { $value = $vbulletin->GPC['userfield']["$varname"]; } $optvalue =& $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', $optionalvar, TYPE_STR); $bitwise = 0; $sql = ''; $url = ''; if (($profilefield['type'] == 'input' OR $profilefield['type'] == 'textarea') AND $value != '') { $condition .= " AND $varname LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni(trim($value))) . "%' "; $urladd .= "&$varname=" . urlencode($value); $include_userfield_join = true; } else if ($profilefield['type'] == 'radio' OR $profilefield['type'] == 'select') { if ($optvalue != '' AND $profilefield['optional']) { $sql = " AND $varname LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like(htmlspecialchars_uni($optvalue)) . "%' "; $url = "&$varname=" . urlencode($optvalue); $include_userfield_join = true; } else if ($value !== '') { $data = unserialize($profilefield['data']); foreach ($data AS $key => $val) { $key++; if ($key == $value) { $val = trim($val); $sql = " AND $varname LIKE '" . $db->escape_string_like($val) . '\' '; $url = "&$varname=" . intval($value); $include_userfield_join = true; break; } } } else { continue; } $condition .= $sql; $urladd .= $url; } else if (($profilefield['type'] == 'checkbox' OR $profilefield['type'] == 'select_multiple') AND is_array($value) AND !empty($value)) { foreach ($value AS $key => $val) { $condition .= " AND $varname & ". pow(2, $val - 1) . ' '; $urladd .= "&$varname" . '[' . urlencode($key) . ']=' . urlencode($val); $include_userfield_join = true; } } } if ($ltr != '') { if ($ltr == '#') { $condition .= " AND username NOT REGEXP(\"^[a-zA-Z]\")"; } else { $ltr = chr(intval(ord($ltr))); $condition .= " AND username LIKE(\"" . $db->escape_string_like($ltr) . "%\")"; } } $show['usergroup'] = iif($usergroupid , true, false); // Limit to a specific group for usergroup leaders if ($usergroupid) { // check permission to do authorizations in this group if (!$leadergroup = $db->query_first_slave(" SELECT usergroupleader.usergroupleaderid, usergroup.title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroupleader AS usergroupleader LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup AS usergroup ON (usergroupleader.usergroupid = usergroup.usergroupid) WHERE usergroupleader.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND usergroupleader.usergroupid = $usergroupid ")) { print_no_permission(); } $leadergroup['mtitle'] = $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$usergroupid"]['opentag'] . $leadergroup['title'] . $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$usergroupid"]['closetag']; $condition .= " AND (FIND_IN_SET('$usergroupid', membergroupids) OR user.usergroupid = $usergroupid)"; $usergrouplink = "&usergroupid=$usergroupid"; } else if ($vbulletin->options['memberlistposts']) { $condition .= ' AND posts >= ' . $vbulletin->options['memberlistposts']; } $sortorder = strtolower($sortorder); // specify this if the primary sort will have a lot of tie values (ie, reputation) $secondarysortsql = ''; switch ($sortfield) { case 'username': $sqlsort = 'user.username'; break; case 'joindate': $sqlsort = 'user.joindate'; break; case 'posts': $sqlsort = 'user.posts'; break; case 'lastvisit': $sqlsort = 'lastvisittime'; break; case 'reputation': $sqlsort = iif($show['reputationcol'], 'reputationscore', 'user.username'); $secondarysortsql = ', user.username'; break; case 'age': if ($show['agecol']) { $sqlsort = 'agesort'; $secondarysortsql = ', user.username'; } else { $sqlsort = 'user.username'; } break; default: $sqlsort = 'user.username'; $sortfield = 'username'; } if ($sortorder != 'asc') { $sortorder = 'desc'; $oppositesort = 'asc'; } else { // $sortorder = 'ASC' $oppositesort = 'desc'; } // Seems quicker to grab the ids rather than doing a JOIN $ids = -1; $idarray = array(-1); $hiderepids = -1; $hidereparray = array(); foreach ($vbulletin->usergroupcache AS $ugroupid => $usergroup) { if ($usergroup['genericoptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericoptions['showmemberlist']) { $ids .= ",$ugroupid"; $idarray[] = $ugroupid; } else if ($usergroupid) { $ids .= ",$ugroupid"; $idarray[] = $ugroupid; } if ($usergroup['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canhiderep']) { $hiderepids .= ",$ugroupid"; $hidereparray[] = $ugroupid; } } $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = ''; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('memberlist_query_userscount')) ? eval($hook) : false; $userscount = $db->query_first_slave(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS users FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user " . ($include_userfield_join ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield USING (userid)" : '') . " $hook_query_joins WHERE $condition AND (user.usergroupid IN ($ids)" . (defined('MEMBERLIST_INCLUDE_SECONDARY') ? (" OR FIND_IN_SET(" . implode(', user.membergroupids) OR FIND_IN_SET(', $idarray) . ", user.membergroupids)") : '') . ") $hook_query_where "); $totalusers = $userscount['users']; if (!$totalusers) { eval(standard_error(fetch_error('searchnoresults', $displayCommon))); } // set defaults sanitize_pageresults($totalusers, $pagenumber, $perpage, 100, $vbulletin->options['memberlistperpage']); $sortaddon = ($vbulletin->GPC['postslower']) ? 'postslower=' . $vbulletin->GPC['postslower'] . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['postsupper']) ? 'postsupper=' . $vbulletin->GPC['postsupper'] . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['ausername'] != '') ? 'ausername=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['ausername']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['homepage'] != '') ? 'homepage=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['homepage']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['icq'] != '') ? 'icq=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['icq']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['aim'] != '') ? 'aim=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['aim']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['yahoo'] != '') ? 'yahoo=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['yahoo']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['msn'] != '') ? 'msn=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['msn']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['skype'] != '') ? 'skype=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['skype']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['joindateafter'] != '') ? 'joindateafter=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['joindateafter']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['joindatebefore'] != '') ? 'joindatebefore=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['joindatebefore']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostafter'] != '') ? 'lastpostafter=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostafter']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostbefore'] != '') ? 'lastpostbefore=' . urlencode($vbulletin->GPC['lastpostbefore']) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($usergroupid) ? 'usergroupid=' . $usergroupid . '&' : ''; $sortaddon .= ($urladd != '') ? $urladd : ''; $ltraddon = $sortaddon; // Add to letters $sortaddon .= ($ltr != '') ? 'ltr=' . urlencode($ltr) . '&' : ''; $sortaddon = preg_replace('#&$#s', '', $sortaddon); $ltraddon = preg_replace('#&$#s', '', $ltraddon); $ltrurl = (!empty($ltraddon) ? '&' . $ltraddon : ''); $sorturl = 'memberlist.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . $sortaddon; $show['sorturlnoargs'] = ($sorturl == 'memberlist.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']); $selectedletter =& $ltr; // build letter selector // start with non-alpha characters $currentletter = '#'; $linkletter = urlencode('#'); $show['selectedletter'] = $selectedletter == '#' ? true : false; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_letter'); $templater->register('currentletter', $currentletter); $templater->register('linkletter', $linkletter); $templater->register('ltrurl', $ltrurl); $templater->register('perpage', $perpage); $templater->register('sortfield', $sortfield); $templater->register('sortorder', $sortorder); $templater->register('usergrouplink', $usergrouplink); $letterbits = $templater->render(); // now do alpha-characters for ($i=65; $i < 91; $i++) { $currentletter = chr($i); $linkletter =& $currentletter; $show['selectedletter'] = $selectedletter == $currentletter ? true : false; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_letter'); $templater->register('currentletter', $currentletter); $templater->register('linkletter', $linkletter); $templater->register('ltrurl', $ltrurl); $templater->register('perpage', $perpage); $templater->register('sortfield', $sortfield); $templater->register('sortorder', $sortorder); $templater->register('usergrouplink', $usergrouplink); $letterbits .= $templater->render(); } $templater = vB_Template::create('forumdisplay_sortarrow'); $templater->register('oppositesort', $oppositesort); $sortarrow["$sortfield"] = $templater->render(); $memberlistbit = ''; $limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage + 1; $limitupper = ($pagenumber) * $perpage; $counter = 0; if ($limitupper > $totalusers) { $limitupper = $totalusers; if ($limitlower > $totalusers) { $limitlower = $totalusers - $perpage; } } if ($limitlower <= 0) { $limitlower = 1; } if ($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehidden']) { $lastvisitcond = " , lastactivity AS lastvisittime "; } else { $lastvisitcond = " , IF((options & " . $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['invisible'] . " AND user.userid <> " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "), 0, lastactivity) AS lastvisittime "; } if ($show['reputationcol']) { $repcondition = ",IF((NOT(options & " . $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['showreputation']. ") AND (user.usergroupid IN ($hiderepids)"; if (!empty($hidereparray)) { foreach($hidereparray AS $value) { $repcondition .= " OR FIND_IN_SET('$value', membergroupids)"; } } $repcondition .= ")), 0, reputation) AS reputationscore"; } if ($show['agecol']) { $agecondition = ', IF(YEAR(user.birthday_search) > 0 AND user.showbirthday IN (1,2) AND YEAR(user.birthday_search) < YEAR(CURDATE()), user.birthday_search, \'0000-00-00\') AS agesort'; } else { $agecondition = ''; } // we're not actually checking the age, but the birth date // so this is makes asc/desc do what you think for age if ($sqlsort == 'agesort') { $sortorder = ($sortorder == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = ''; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('memberlist_fetch')) ? eval($hook) : false; $users = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT user.*,usertextfield.*,userfield.*, user.userid, options, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid $repcondition " . iif($show['avatarcol'], ',avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS avwidth, customavatar.height AS avheight') ." " . iif($show['profilepiccol'], ', pp_profilepic.requirement AS profilepicrequirement, customprofilepic.userid AS profilepic, customprofilepic.dateline AS profilepicdateline, customprofilepic.width AS ppwidth, customprofilepic.height AS ppheight') . " $lastvisitcond $agecondition " . iif($usergroupid, ", NOT ISNULL(usergroupleader.usergroupid) AS isleader") . " $hook_query_fields FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid=user.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid=user.userid) " . iif($show['reputationcol'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "reputationlevel AS reputationlevel ON(user.reputationlevelid=reputationlevel.reputationlevelid) ") . " " . iif($show['avatarcol'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)") . " " . iif($show['profilepiccol'], " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic AS customprofilepic ON (user.userid = customprofilepic.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profileblockprivacy AS pp_profilepic ON (pp_profilepic.userid = user.userid AND pp_profilepic.blockid = 'profile_picture')") . " " . iif($usergroupid, "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroupleader AS usergroupleader ON (user.userid = usergroupleader.userid AND usergroupleader.usergroupid=$usergroupid) ") . " $hook_query_joins WHERE $condition AND (user.usergroupid IN ($ids)" . (defined('MEMBERLIST_INCLUDE_SECONDARY') ? (" OR FIND_IN_SET(" . implode(', user.membergroupids) OR FIND_IN_SET(', $idarray) . ", user.membergroupids)") : '') . ") $hook_query_where ORDER BY $sqlsort $sortorder $secondarysortsql LIMIT " . ($limitlower - 1) . ", $perpage "); $counter = 0; $memberlistbits = ''; $today_year = vbdate('Y', TIMENOW, false, false); $today_month = vbdate('n', TIMENOW, false, false); $today_day = vbdate('j', TIMENOW, false, false); // initialize counters $itemcount = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage; $first = $itemcount + 1; while ($userinfo = $db->fetch_array($users) AND $counter++ < $perpage) { $userinfo = array_merge($userinfo , convert_bits_to_array($userinfo['options'] , $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions)); $userinfo = array_merge($userinfo , convert_bits_to_array($userinfo['adminoptions'] , $vbulletin->bf_misc_adminoptions)); cache_permissions($userinfo, false); // format posts number $userinfo['posts'] = vb_number_format($userinfo['posts']); if ($userinfo['usertitle'] == '') { $userinfo['usertitle'] = ' '; } fetch_musername($userinfo); $userinfo['datejoined'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $userinfo['joindate'], true); if ($userinfo['lastpost']) { $show['searchlink'] = true; } else { $show['searchlink'] = false; } if ($userinfo['showemail'] AND $vbulletin->options['displayemails'] AND (!$vbulletin->options['secureemail'] OR ($vbulletin->options['secureemail'] AND $vbulletin->options['enableemail'])) AND $vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canemailmember'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) { $show['emaillink'] = true; } else { $show['emaillink'] = false; } construct_im_icons($userinfo, true); if ($userinfo['homepage'] != '' AND $userinfo['homepage'] != 'http://') { $show['homepagelink'] = true; } else { $show['homepagelink'] = false; } if ($vbulletin->options['enablepms'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['pmquota'] AND ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'] OR ($userinfo['receivepm'] AND $userinfo['permissions']['pmquota'] AND (!$userinfo['receivepmbuddies'] OR can_moderate() OR strpos(" $userinfo[buddylist] ", ' ' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ' ') !== false)) )) { $show['pmlink'] = true; } else { $show['pmlink'] = false; } if ($show['birthdaycol'] OR $show['agecol']) { if (empty($userinfo['birthday']) OR !$userinfo['showbirthday']) { $userinfo['birthday'] = ' '; } else { $bday = explode('-', $userinfo['birthday']); if (date('Y') > $bday[2] AND $bday[2] > 1901 AND $bday[2] != '0000' AND ($userinfo['showbirthday'] == 1 OR $userinfo['showbirthday'] == 2)) { $birthdayformat = mktimefix($vbulletin->options['calformat1'], $bday[2]); if ($bday[2] >= 1970) { $yearpass = $bday[2]; } else { // day of the week patterns repeat every 28 years, so // find the first year >= 1970 that has this pattern $yearpass = $bday[2] + 28 * ceil((1970 - $bday[2]) / 28); } if ($userinfo['showbirthday'] == 2) { $userinfo['birthday'] = vbdate($birthdayformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $bday[0], $bday[1], $yearpass), false, true, false); } else { $userinfo['birthday'] = ' '; } if ($today_year > $bday[2] AND $bday[2] != '0000') { $userinfo['age'] = $today_year - $bday[2]; if ($bday[0] > $today_month) { $userinfo['age']--; } else if ($bday[0] == $today_month AND $today_day < $bday[1]) { $userinfo['age']--; } } else { $userinfo['age'] = ' '; } } else if ($userinfo['showbirthday'] >= 2) { // lets send a valid year as some PHP3 don't like year to be 0 $userinfo['birthday'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['calformat2'], mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($bday[0]), intval($bday[1]), 1992), false, true, false); } if ($userinfo['birthday'] == '' AND $userinfo['showbirthday'] == 2) { // This should not be blank but win32 has a bug in regards to mktime and dates < 1970 if ($bday[2] == '0000') { $userinfo['birthday'] = "$bday[0]-$bday[1]"; } else { $userinfo['birthday'] = "$bday[0]-$bday[1]-$bday[2]"; } } } } if ($show['reputationcol']) { $checkperms = cache_permissions($userinfo, false); fetch_reputation_image($userinfo, $checkperms); } $can_view_profile_pic = ( $show['profilepiccol'] AND $userinfo['profilepic'] AND ($userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canprofilepic'] OR $userinfo['adminprofilepic']) ); if ($userinfo['profilepicrequirement'] AND !can_view_profile_section($userinfo['userid'], 'profile_picture', $userinfo['profilepicrequirement'], $userinfo)) { $can_view_profile_pic = false; } if ($can_view_profile_pic) { if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar']) { $userinfo['profilepicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['profilepicurl'] . '/profilepic' . $userinfo['userid'] . '_' . $userinfo['profilepicrevision'] . '.gif'; } else { $userinfo['profilepicurl'] = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $userinfo['userid'] . "&dateline=$userinfo[profilepicdateline]&type=profile"; } $userinfo['profilepic'] = "\"\"options['avatarenabled'] AND ($userinfo['permissions']['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuseavatar'] OR $userinfo['adminavatar'])) { if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar']) { $avatarurl = $vbulletin->options['avatarurl'] . "/thumbs/avatar$userinfo[userid]_$userinfo[avatarrevision].gif"; } else { $avatarurl = 'image.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "u=$userinfo[userid]&dateline=$userinfo[avatardateline]" . '&type=thumb'; } if ($userinfo['avheight'] AND $userinfo['avwidth']) { $avheight = "height=\"$userinfo[avheight]\""; $avwidth = "width=\"$userinfo[avwidth]\""; } } else { $avatarurl = ''; } } if ($avatarurl == '') { $show['avatar'] = false; } else { $show['avatar'] = true; } } $bgclass = iif(($totalcols % 2) == 1, 'alt2', 'alt1'); $customfields = ''; if ($show['customfields'] AND !empty($profileinfo)) { foreach ($profileinfo AS $index => $value) { if ($userinfo["$value[varname]"] != '') { if ($value['type'] == 'checkbox' OR $value['type'] == 'select_multiple') { unset($customfield); foreach ($value['data'] AS $key => $val) { if ($userinfo["$value[varname]"] & pow(2, $key)) { $customfield .= iif($customfield, ', ') . $val; } } } else { $customfield = $userinfo["$value[varname]"]; } } else { $customfield = ' '; } exec_switch_bg(); $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_resultsbit_field'); $templater->register('bgclass', $bgclass); $templater->register('customfield', $customfield); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } } $show['hideleader'] = iif ($userinfo['isleader'] OR $userinfo['usergroupid'] == $usergroupid, true, false); $bgclass = 'alt1'; $itemcount++; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('memberlist_bit')) ? eval($hook) : false; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_resultsbit'); $templater->register('avatarurl', $avatarurl); $templater->register('avheight', $avheight); $templater->register('avwidth', $avwidth); $templater->register('bgclass', $bgclass); $templater->register('customfields', $customfields); $templater->register('userinfo', $userinfo); $memberlistbits .= $templater->render(); } // end while $last = $itemcount; if ($sqlsort == 'agesort') { $sortorder = ($sortorder == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } $pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalusers, 'memberlist.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'], '' . (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['perpage']) ? "&pp=$perpage" : "") . (!empty($sortorder) ? "&order=$sortorder" : "") . (!empty($sortfield) ? "&sort=$sortfield" : "") . (!empty($sortaddon) ? "&$sortaddon" : "") ); unset($customfieldsheader); if ($show['customfields'] AND is_array($profileinfo)) { foreach ($profileinfo AS $index => $customfield) { $totalcols++; $customfield = $customfield['title']; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_results_header'); $templater->register('customfield', $customfield); $customfieldsheader .= $templater->render(); } } // build navbar $navbits = array('' => $vbphrase['members_list']); $searchtime = vb_number_format(fetch_microtime_difference($searchstart), 2); $totalcols += !empty($usergroupid) ? 2 : 1; $page_templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist'); $page_templater->register('customfieldsheader', $customfieldsheader); $page_templater->register('first', $first); $page_templater->register('forumjump', $forumjump); $page_templater->register('gobutton', $gobutton); $page_templater->register('last', $last); $page_templater->register('leadergroup', $leadergroup); $page_templater->register('letterbits', $letterbits); $page_templater->register('ltr', $ltr); $page_templater->register('memberlistbits', $memberlistbits); $page_templater->register('pagenav', $pagenav); $page_templater->register('perpage', $perpage); $page_templater->register('searchtime', $searchtime); $page_templater->register('sortarrow', $sortarrow); $page_templater->register('sorturl', $sorturl); $page_templater->register('spacer_close', $spacer_close); $page_templater->register('spacer_open', $spacer_open); $page_templater->register('totalcols', $totalcols); $page_templater->register('totalusers', $totalusers); $page_templater->register('usergroupid', $usergroupid); $page_templater->register('usergrouplink', $usergrouplink); $page_templater->register('oppositesort', $oppositesort); } // ############################################################################# // advanced search if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'search') { if (!$vbulletin->options['usememberlistadvsearch']) { eval(standard_error(fetch_error('nomemberlistsearch'))); } $bgclass = 'alt1'; // get extra profile fields $profilefields = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profilefield WHERE searchable = 1 AND form = 0 " . iif(!($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehiddencustomfields']), " AND hidden = 0") . " ORDER BY displayorder "); $customfields = ''; while ($profilefield = $db->fetch_array($profilefields)) { $profilefieldname = "field$profilefield[profilefieldid]"; $optionalname = $profilefieldname . '_opt'; exec_switch_bg(); $optional = ''; $optionalfield = ''; $profilefield['title'] = $vbphrase[$profilefieldname . '_title']; if ($profilefield['type'] == 'input' OR $profilefield['type'] == 'textarea') { $vbulletin->userinfo["$profilefieldname"] = ''; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_textbox'); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } else if ($profilefield['type'] == 'select') { $profilefield['def'] = 0; $data = unserialize($profilefield['data']); $selectbits = ''; $selected = ''; foreach ($data AS $key => $val) { $key++; $templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select_option'); $templater->register('key', $key); $templater->register('selected', $selected); $templater->register('val', $val); $selectbits .= $templater->render(); } if ($profilefield['optional']) { $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_optional_input'); $templater->register('optional', $optional); $templater->register('optionalname', $optionalname); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('tabindex', $tabindex); $optionalfield = $templater->render(); } $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_select'); $templater->register('optionalfield', $optionalfield); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname); $templater->register('selectbits', $selectbits); $templater->register('selected', $selected); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } else if ($profilefield['type'] == 'radio') { $data = unserialize($profilefield['data']); $radiobits = ''; $checked = ''; foreach ($data AS $key => $val) { $key++; $templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_radio_option'); $templater->register('checked', $checked); $templater->register('key', $key); $templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname); $templater->register('val', $val); $radiobits .= $templater->render(); } if ($profilefield['optional']) { $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_optional_input'); $templater->register('optional', $optional); $templater->register('optionalname', $optionalname); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('tabindex', $tabindex); $optionalfield = $templater->render(); } $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_radio'); $templater->register('optionalfield', $optionalfield); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('radiobits', $radiobits); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } else if ($profilefield['type'] == 'checkbox') { $data = unserialize($profilefield['data']); $radiobits = ''; $checked = ''; foreach ($data AS $key => $val) { $key++; $templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_checkbox_option'); $templater->register('checked', $checked); $templater->register('key', $key); $templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname); $templater->register('val', $val); $radiobits .= $templater->render(); } $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_radio'); $templater->register('optionalfield', $optionalfield); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('radiobits', $radiobits); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } else if ($profilefield['type'] == 'select_multiple') { $data = unserialize($profilefield['data']); $selected = ''; $selectbits = ''; foreach ($data AS $key => $val) { $key++; $templater = vB_Template::create('userfield_select_option'); $templater->register('key', $key); $templater->register('selected', $selected); $templater->register('val', $val); $selectbits .= $templater->render(); } $templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search_select_multiple'); $templater->register('profilefield', $profilefield); $templater->register('profilefieldname', $profilefieldname); $templater->register('selectbits', $selectbits); $customfields .= $templater->render(); } } // build navbar $navbits = array( 'memberlist.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => $vbphrase['members_list'], '' => $vbphrase['search'] ); $page_templater = vB_Template::create('memberlist_search'); $page_templater->register('customfields', $customfields); $page_templater->register('forumjump', $forumjump); } // now spit out the HTML, assuming we got this far with no errors or redirects. ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('memberlist_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false; if (!empty($page_templater)) { $navbits = construct_navbits($navbits); $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits); $page_templater->register_page_templates(); $page_templater->register('navbar', $navbar); print_output($page_templater->render()); } /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || # || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 52934 $ || #################################################################### \*======================================================================*/ ?>