options['bburl'] . '/archive/index.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']); } // parse query string $f = 0; $p = 0; $t = 0; $output = ''; $endbit = $vbulletin->input->strip_sessionhash($archive_info); $endbit = str_replace(array('pda=1', 'login=1', '.html'), '', $endbit); $endbit = rtrim($endbit, '&?'); if (SLASH_METHOD) { $endbit = substr(strrchr($endbit, '/') , 1); } else if (strpos($endbit, '&') !== false) { $endbit = substr(strrchr($endbit, '&') , 1); } if ($endbit != '' AND $endbit != 'index.php') { $queryparts = explode('-', $endbit); foreach ($queryparts AS $querypart) { if ($lastpart != '') { // can be: // f: forumid // p: pagenumber // t: threadid $$lastpart = $querypart; $lastpart = ''; } else { switch ($querypart) { case 'f': case 'p': case 't': $lastpart = $querypart; break; default: $lastpart = ''; } } } } else { $do = 'index'; } $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'pda' => TYPE_BOOL, 'login' => TYPE_BOOL, 'message' => TYPE_BOOL )); $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('c', array( COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pda' => TYPE_UINT )); $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( 'username' => TYPE_STR, 'password' => TYPE_STR, )); // check to see if the person is using a PDA if so we'll sort in ASC // force a redirect afterwards so we dont get problems with search engines if ($t) { $t = intval($t); $querystring = 't-' . $t . iif($p, '-p-' . intval($p)) . '.html'; } else if ($f) { $f = intval($f); $querystring = 'f-' . $f . iif($p, '-p-' . intval($p)) . '.html'; } if ($vbulletin->GPC['pda']) { vbsetcookie('pda', '1', 1); $redirect_url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/archive/index.php'; if ($querystring) { $redirect_url .= (SLASH_METHOD ? '/' : '?') . $querystring . ARCHIVE_SESSION_URL; } else { $redirect_url .= $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']; } exec_header_redirect($redirect_url); } else if ($vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pda']) { $pda = true; } $title = $vbulletin->options['bbtitle']; if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 0 AND $vbulletin->GPC['login']) { if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['username']) AND !empty($vbulletin->GPC['password'])) { require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_login.php'); $strikes = verify_strike_status($vbulletin->GPC['username'], true); if ($strikes === false) { // user has got too many wrong passwords $error_message = fetch_error('strikes', $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']); $do = 'error'; } else if (verify_authentication($vbulletin->GPC['username'], $vbulletin->GPC['password'], '', '', false, true)) { exec_unstrike_user($vbulletin->GPC['username']); $db->query_write("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE sessionhash = '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->session->vars['dbsessionhash']) . "'"); $vbulletin->session->vars = $vbulletin->session->fetch_session($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']); /*insert query*/ $db->query_write(" INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session (sessionhash, userid, host, idhash, lastactivity, styleid, loggedin, bypass, useragent) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->session->vars['sessionhash']) . "', " . $vbulletin->session->vars['userid'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->session->vars['host']) . "', '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->session->vars['idhash']) . "', " . TIMENOW . ", " . $vbulletin->session->vars['styleid'] . ", 1, " . iif ($logintype === 'cplogin', 1, 0) . ", '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->session->vars['useragent']) . "') "); $redirect_url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/archive/index.php'; if ($querystring) { $redirect_url .= (SLASH_METHOD ? '/' : '?') . $querystring . ARCHIVE_SESSION_URL; } else { $redirect_url .= $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']; } exec_header_redirect($redirect_url); } else { // wrong username / password exec_strike_user($vbulletin->userinfo['username']); $error_message = fetch_error('badlogin', $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'], $strikes); $do = 'error'; } } } if ($do == 'error') { } else if ($t) { $do = 'thread'; $threadinfo = fetch_threadinfo($t); $foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($threadinfo['forumid']); $threadinfo['meta_description'] = strip_bbcode(strip_quotes($threadinfo['description']), false, true); $threadinfo['meta_description'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_censored_text(fetch_trimmed_title($threadinfo['meta_description'], 500, false))); $forumperms = $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions'][$foruminfo['forumid']]; if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']) OR !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers']) OR in_coventry($threadinfo['postuserid']) OR $threadinfo['isdeleted'] OR (!$threadinfo['visible'] AND !can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts'))) { exit; } verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']); if (trim($foruminfo['link']) != '') { exec_header_redirect($foruminfo['link'], true); } $title = "$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] $threadinfo[title] [$vbphrase[archive]] " . ($p > 1 ? ' - ' . construct_phrase($vbphrase['page_x'], $p) : '') . " - $title"; $p = intval($p); $metatags = " "; } else if ($f) { $do = 'forum'; $forumperms = $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions'][$f]; if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers'])) { exit; } $foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($f, false); if (trim($foruminfo['link']) != '') { // add session hash to local links if necessary if (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9_]+\.php)(\?.*$)?#i', $foruminfo['link'], $match)) { if ($match[2]) { // we have a ?xyz part, put session url at beginning if necessary $query_string = preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9])(s|sessionhash)=[a-z0-9]{32}(&|&)?/', '\\1', $match[2]); $foruminfo['link'] = $match[1] . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_js'] . substr($query_string, 1); } else { $foruminfo['link'] .= $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']; } } exec_header_redirect($foruminfo['link'], true); } verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']); $title = "$foruminfo[title_clean] [$vbphrase[archive]]" . ($p > 1 ? ' - ' . construct_phrase($vbphrase['page_x'], $p) : '') . " - $title"; $p = intval($p); $metatags = "options['keywords'] . "\" /> 1 ? construct_phrase($vbphrase['page_x'], $p) . " " : "") . $foruminfo['description_clean'] . "\" /> "; } else { $do = 'index'; $metatags = "options['keywords'] . "\" /> options['description'] . "\" />"; } ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_process_start')) ? eval($hook) : false; if ($pda AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 0 AND $vbulletin->GPC['login'] AND $do != 'error') { $do = 'login'; } if ($pda AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] > 0 AND $vbulletin->GPC['message'] AND false) { $do = 'message'; } // ad locations $ad_templates = fetch_ad_templates(array('ad_archive_above_content1', 'ad_archive_above_content2', 'ad_archive_below_content')); $output .= " $metatags $title options['bburl'] . "/archive/archive.css\" />
"; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_postheader')) ? eval($hook) : false; // ******************************************************************************************** // display board if ($do == 'index') { $output .= print_archive_navigation(array()); $output .= "

$vbphrase[view_full_version]: ' . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . "

\n"; $output .= "
"; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content1']; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content2']; $output .= "

"; $output .= "
\n"; $output .= print_archive_forum_list(); $output .= "
\n"; } if ($Coventry = fetch_coventry('string')) { $globalignore = "AND " . iif($do == 'forum', 'thread.post', 'post.') . "userid NOT IN ($Coventry) "; } else { $globalignore = ''; } // ******************************************************************************************** // display forum if ($do == 'forum') { // list threads $output .= print_archive_navigation($foruminfo); $output .= "

$vbphrase[view_full_version] : $foruminfo[title_clean]

\n"; $output .= "
"; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content1']; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content2']; $output .= "

"; if ($foruminfo['cancontainthreads']) { if (!$p) { $p = 1; } $output .= print_archive_page_navigation($foruminfo['threadcount'], $vbulletin->options['archive_threadsperpage'], "f-$foruminfo[forumid]"); $threads = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT threadid, title, prefixid, lastpost, replycount FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread WHERE forumid = $foruminfo[forumid] AND visible = 1 AND open <> 10 $globalignore ORDER BY dateline " . iif($pda, 'DESC', 'ASC') . " LIMIT " . ($p - 1) * $vbulletin->options['archive_threadsperpage'] . ',' . $vbulletin->options['archive_threadsperpage'] ); $start = ($p - 1) * $vbulletin->options['archive_threadsperpage'] + 1; if ($pda AND false) { $output .= "New Thread"; } $output .= "
    \n"; while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($threads)) { if ($vbulletin->options['wordwrap'] != 0) { $thread['title'] = fetch_word_wrapped_string($thread['title']); } $thread['title'] = fetch_censored_text($thread['title']); $thread['prefix_plain_html'] = ($thread['prefixid'] ? htmlspecialchars($vbphrase["prefix_$thread[prefixid]_title_plain"]) : ''); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_forum_thread')) ? eval($hook) : false; if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])) { $output .= "\t
  1. $thread[prefix_plain_html] $thread[title]" . iif($pda, " (" . construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_replies'], $thread['replycount']) . ")") . "
  2. \n"; } else if ($vbulletin->options['archive_threadtype'] OR $pda) { $output .= "\t
  3. $thread[prefix_plain_html] options['bburl'] . '/archive/index.php' . (SLASH_METHOD ? '/' : '?') . "t-$thread[threadid].html" . ARCHIVE_SESSION_URL . "\">$thread[title]" . iif($pda, " (" . construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_replies'], $thread['replycount']) . ")") . "
  4. \n"; } else { $output .= "\t
  5. $thread[prefix_plain_html] $thread[title]
  6. \n"; } } $output .= "
\n"; } else { $output .= "
\n"; $output .= print_archive_forum_list($f); $output .= "
\n"; } } // ******************************************************************************************** // display thread if ($do == 'thread') { if (!$vbulletin->options['archive_threadtype']) { // if we are not using the archive threadtype, invisibly redirect to the full thread view exec_header_redirect(fetch_seo_url('thread|js|bburl', $threadinfo)); } if ($vbulletin->options['wordwrap'] != 0) { $threadinfo['title'] = fetch_word_wrapped_string($threadinfo['title']); } $threadinfo['title'] = fetch_censored_text($threadinfo['title']); $output .= print_archive_navigation($foruminfo, $threadinfo); $output .= "

$vbphrase[view_full_version] : " . ($threadinfo['prefix_plain_html'] ? "$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] " : '' ) . "$threadinfo[title]

\n"; if ($p == 0) { $p = 1; } $output .= "
"; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content1']; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content2']; $output .= "

"; $output .= print_archive_page_navigation($threadinfo['replycount'] + 1, $vbulletin->options['archive_postsperpage'], "t-$threadinfo[threadid]"); $posts = $db->query_read_slave(" SELECT post.postid, post.pagetext, IFNULL( user.username , post.username ) AS username, dateline FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid) WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid] AND visible = 1 $globalignore ORDER BY dateline ASC LIMIT " . (($p - 1) * $vbulletin->options['archive_postsperpage']) . ',' . $vbulletin->options[archive_postsperpage] ); if ($pda AND false) { $output .= "New Reply"; } $i = 0; while ($post = $db->fetch_array($posts)) { $i++; $post['pagetext_simp'] = strip_bbcode($post['pagetext']); $post['postdate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $post['dateline']); $post['posttime'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $post['dateline']); if ($vbulletin->options['wordwrap'] != 0) { $post['pagetext_simp'] = fetch_word_wrapped_string($post['pagetext_simp']); } $post['pagetext_simp'] = fetch_censored_text($post['pagetext_simp']); ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_thread_post')) ? eval($hook) : false; $output .= "\n
$post[postdate], $post[posttime]
"; $output .= "
" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars_uni($post['pagetext_simp'])) . "

\n\n"; } } // ******************************************************************************************** // display login if ($do == 'login') { $output .= print_archive_navigation(array()); $output .= "

$vbphrase[view_full_version]: ' . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . "

\n"; $output .= "
"; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content1']; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content2']; $output .= "

"; if (SLASH_METHOD) { $loginlink = 'index.php' . (!empty($querystring) ? "/$querystring" : '') . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'login=1'; } else { $loginlink = 'index.php?' . (!empty($querystring) ? "$querystring&" : '') . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'login=1'; } $output .= "
\n"; $output .= "$vbphrase[log_in]\n"; $output .= "
options['bburl'] . "/archive/$loginlink\" method=\"post\">\n"; $output .= "$vbphrase[username]: \n"; $output .= "$vbphrase[password]: \n"; $output .= "\n"; $output .= "
\n"; $output .= "
\n"; } // ******************************************************************************************** // display error if ($do == 'error') { $output .= print_archive_navigation(array()); $output .= "

$vbphrase[view_full_version]: ' . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . "

\n"; $output .= "
"; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content1']; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_above_content2']; $output .= "

"; $output .= "
\n"; $output .= $error_message; $output .= "
\n"; } // ad locations ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false; $output .= $ad_templates['ad_archive_below_content']; $output .= "
"; $vbulletin->shutdown->shutdown(); if (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC')) { exec_shut_down(); } echo $output; ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('archive_complete_postoutput')) ? eval($hook) : false; /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || # || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 47868 $ || #################################################################### \*======================================================================*/ ?>